Saturday, August 18, 2012

Olney and Mr Pipes--the climactic moment of the tour

God in his infinite kindness gave us the most glorious weather for our day in Mr Pipes' village with Newton and Cowper (and where William Carey prepared for mission work in India).

Sang Amazing Grace and Glorious Things in St Peters and St Paul's. We enjoyed the company of the cousin of Margaret and Dana and her English husband John while here.

We walked in the most English pastoral setting along the River Great Ouse Mr Pipes and Annie and Drew sailed Toplady to nearby Bedford (with a stop at the Fighting Pike).

Cowper's home museum and singing God Moves in a Mysterious Way at his summer house or as he called it his "verse manufactury."

Then more British food, rabbit for some of us, thinking of Cowper and all his critters.


  1. Thank you, thank you, so very much for letting us join you in Olney. We had a wonderful time visiting our Cousins and meeting you and the rest of the group. We enjoyed hearing your thoughts, singing hymns and being inspired. Thank you again!! Lauren & John

  2. Rich blessing for us having you along if only for a few hours!
