Monday, May 28, 2012

Announcing new historical fiction series... and ideas

Gillian at Ft Nisqually, Memorial Day, 2012
P&R Publishing has created a new series/collection of my books, THE HEROES AND HISTORY SERIES; Hostage Lands and the soon-to-release Hand of Vengeance are the first two in this series.The H&H series is designed to be the place where other ideas I have for historical fiction will collect themselves together into what we hope will be an invaluable collection of books for anyone who loves history. New ideas include historical fiction on Wycliffe (1300s), Huss (1400s), Huguenots (1500s), and more...                                                                              ...and most recently (after a fun family visit to Fort Nisqually today), a 19th-century Pacific Northwest, Hudson Bay Company yarn set in the Puget Sound and Fort Nisqually (very near my home). There would be a Scots connection (my lens may be a young Scots voyager), as there were many Scots immigrants employed by the HBC. I guess it would be sort of a Bond version of Little House on the Prairie. Lots of beaver trapping, PNW trading musket shooting, horses, HMS Beaver steamer for the HBC, small boat sailing, coastal Indians, and frontier tensions between American and British settlers, the Pig War context, and the rising storm to the Civil War. I'm really, really warming to this idea.
Driving 'April' at the Rowen's


  1. Sounds absolutely wonderful! Can't wait! Can you please respond to my question in FB message? Thanks. God bless,
    Jacque Green

  2. Wow. My kids will be so excited to hear this! The PNW is their favorite vacation destination! After living in AK, they can't get enough of outdoor adventure. We read your Crown and Covenant series for school this year. It was better than really good, and we were reading some good books. When it came time for read-alouds the kids would beg, "read Duncan" -which meant anything in the series. As we were reading, I kept thinking not only are they reading good literature but they are getting layers of great teaching. Honest Christian doctrine, treasures of church history and characters I would love my children to meet, who model excellent christian character. This series was like a gourmet meal, complex and delicious! Thanks so much for your great books. We are really enjoying them!
    Dana for The Edgars

    1. Thanks, Dana, and so well put! The gourmet meal part really caught my attention. Look forward to seeing you next time your down.

  3. We love any Scots connections:) We look forward to anything you write! Every blessing!
