Friday, June 28, 2013

BOND REFORMATION TOUR: Lunch at the Wartburg Castle and Eisleben

It's as if the enemy has leveled his arsenal at our people, plaguing us with sickness. First Gillian (who is now almost fully recovered, lingering cough but energy and life), several adults with fever and not feeling well at all, and now another child. So we spent the morning at the KinderKlinic at the hospital in Heidelberg. Long story short, but it meant a providentially altered schedule for the day. This too is from the Lord, our heavenly father, by whose purposes and will not a hair falls from our head.

From there we were able to postpone our lunch at the Wartburg where Luther translated the New Testament from Greek to German in 11 weeks! A marvelous German meal, so well appointed, and fine attentive service--and in such a setting! Passed by Bach's birthplace in Eisenach and connected his magnificent music and gift to his Lutheran roots and his determination to do everything SDG, soli Deo gloria.

Then off to Luther's birthplace in Eisleben, where we stayed in my favorite hotel so far, the Graf von Mansfield, also the actual place where Luther died. So our tour folks spent the night and had another dotingly wonderful German meal(s) under the ribbed vaulting and surrounded by the medieval POST TENEBRAS LUX!
columns where Luther passed from this life into the joy of his heavenly birthday. Woke up to the most beautiful blue sky and brilliant sunshine we have seen on the entire tour. Weather in Germany rainy cloudy every where else... but not in Eisleben where our tour people were basking in the glorious morning light.
Eisleben, Luther tearing up the Papal Bulls

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