Saturday, April 14, 2012

Interviewed several students during dinner, their impressions

I was choking back the tears as I walked through and attempted to take in the 9,000 white crosses at Omaha Beach, Normandy. As I listened to the list of names being continuously read throughout each day, I heard "Fred Bond," no known relations but it helps bring things yet closer when you hear your own surname read along with the dead. Dennis Nichols, retired army doctor friend and CHS parent, and I were invited to help fold the American flag at the end of the day. It makes beating swords into plow shares and the peace brought only at last and eternally by the Prince of Peace so glorious. "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" The gospel of liberating grace is surpassingly wonderful!

Here's what several kids have to say about their time so far on the UK Normandy historical studies tour with Covenant High School:

Tamala was super impressed with the National Gallery in London. She has wanted to go see the magnificent art he since her freshmen year. Turner one of the painters of light impressed her particularly. The way he captures the sun on the water is veery moving.

Noelle's favorite was Chartwell, her dream house, since we've learned so much about Churchill in history and seeing the different gifts from even creeps like Stalin.

Tanya got to spend time with her older brother who lives and works in London. They too went to the national gallery after seeing Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's parish church.

Rachel was most awe struck by Westminster Abbey and the elaborateness of the place, but was also impressed with the simplicity of Churchill's home and the beauty of Mont Saint Michel.

Elsie was impressed with Bunhill Fields, not cold and creepy, but peaceful and a deep sense of hope. Especially when we sang When I survey the wondrous cross at Isaac Watts' grave.

Abbey went to a great London market with a gaggle of friends and purchased a pennines sandwich that was to die for.

Jonathan liked the chapel at Omaha. It was dead silent. And seeing all the bunkers and shell craters Pointe du Hoc brought things together that he had read about. He was particularly pleased to see the place where the Rangers got their motto: "Rangers lead the way."

Matt said it was really moving and was awed at the number of graves all in one place.

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